Say Hello to Sweater Weather!

Georgia is sitting on an outdoor painted staircase in a pink coat

After a seemingly endless Canadian summer, fall has finally arrived with its dimmer afternoons and cooler temperatures!


Once again we get to don our cozy sweaters and sip our pumpkin spiced lattes, as we watch the leaves turn the prettiest shades of orange and yellow.


Though the busyness of the summer has come to an end and kids are back at school, homeowners are back to work. 


It is time to prepare our homes for winter so that we can stay as warm and dry as possible come a chillier season.  But where do we even start?


Winterizing your home can begin most simply with…

  • Changing your furnace filter
  • Turning off exterior faucets
  • Inspecting your exterior for signs of cracking or general wear and tear


These tasks are quick and easy for any homeowner to take on, and by completing them you’ll have a better understanding of the state of your home too.


However there are a few more involved winterization tasks that homeowners should also consider consulting professionals to carry out…

  • Service the home’s HVAC system
  • Clean gutters and gutter guards
  • Seal any cracks/ gaps along windows and door frames
  • Inspect the current state of the roof


At the end of the day, we want to ensure that our home and their systems will function the way they’re intended to when temperatures continue to drop.  By carrying out these tasks, or hiring professionals to carry them out for you, you’re making sure that you’ll run into as few issues as possible!


Happy fall to you all!